Tuesday, June 27, 2017

New Blog

This week I am starting a course on Web 2.0 technologies and their application to online instruction. It is a fast-paced, 6 week course but having just read the syllabus and oriented myself to the upcoming work and assignments, I am pretty excited about the focus of the class. I have thought of myself as a pretty savvy social media user in a personal context and use many online and app based tools for all aspects of my life. When I was a classroom teacher I went out of my way to incorporate technology and tech tools into my lessons for my students. I knew that this would increase engagement for them while familiarizing them with tools and skills that they would carry on into the digital world growing all around them. I feel like things have come full circle because the way this course is designed, I think that it will be more engaging for me and also give me some new skills that I will carry on into the evolving digital world in which we all now live.

New Blog

This week I am starting a course on Web 2.0 technologies and their application to online instruction. It is a fast-paced, 6 week course but ...